
While living in the Midwest, my wife, Wendy, and I decided there just wasn’t enough time to see everything that Florida offered in our allotted two week vacation window… so we sold our home, headed south on I-65, and moved to a nice town near Orlando.  Now centrally located we can explore places we have always wanted to visit, when there was never time before because the 17 hour drive got in the way of the short weekend.

Welcome to my Midwestern take on the the Florida experience. I’ll see what Florida has to offer, find an out of the way locale, maybe save you some money and hopefully we can learn something new along the way.  There will be plenty of Disney since that is where my wife and I started our kinship with Central Florida. We still love to visit there (and we are Annual Passholders), but as I am finding out, Orlando has multitudes upon multitudes to offer the weary traveler who longs for more weariness and less rest and relaxation. I am excited to get started.

Florida is an amazing place. Unique destination cities with personalities all their own and destinations within destinations. The Space Program, The Arts, Theme Parks, Beaches, Swamps, The Keys, Orange Groves, Fishing, an Ocean, a Gulf, Spring Training and Food, Food, and more Food, just to name a few. I will get to as much as possible. This is a self funded trip to satisfy a need to explore, expand the coconut, and meet new and interesting peeps.

Raised in Illinois (lots of years) and having lived in Indiana (13 years) and Nebraska (1 year) we can relate to the anticipation of the Florida vacation, thinking about the Disney family vacation or hanging out on the sunny beaches when the wind chill up north sits in the negative digits for days at a time. Defrosters are an important feature in the midwest.  That’s something you don’t have to worry about in Florida… tip #1.  Heated seats are uncomfortable in Florida… tip #2.

Caveat to tip #1 and #2.  Maybe in the panhandle during the winter months you may need a defrost and heated seats.

Have a great day, week, year.