We were passing by and thought a quick once around Disney Springs would be fun. Just a walk through to look for any new stores, restaurants, or entertainment that may have popped up since our last visit. As always we look for the balloon floating over Disney Springs. Since it was such a beautiful February day with a light wind, the balloon was high in the sky; providing Disney Spring’s vistas for its high flying patrons.
Me: “Yep, there it is… do you see any new dessert restaurants?”. My eagle eyed and observant wife: “That’s a different balloon”. After I realize she is not interested in dessert I take a second look and sure enough a new blue balloon is hovering overhead. Characters in Flight has replaced the orange/blue/yellowish(?) balloon with the new color scheme. Blue on blue with orange rings. It is a nice looking balloon.

As of this date we have yet to make our way onto the balloon and sail for 8 to 10 minutes into the wild blue. (It states an 8 to 10 minute experience on the web site). At $20 per adult and $10 per child it seems like a fair deal (to borrow a term from President Truman) for a ride in a hot air balloon. Taxes do apply.
Don’t forget to look for possible discount opportunities. For example, performing a quick search on Groupon I found a single adult ride for $11.50. It also lists a ride for two option at $23.00. I’m no math genius, but the discount looks strikingly similar. Still, it’s a great deal at a 43% discount (the website did the math). I didn’t place a direct link to the deal since the offer may be limited or may change. But as of today the discount is real. Here is a link to Groupon’s Orlando Deals.

Since we didn’t hear any news regarding the balloon change (guess it’s not like a new Star Wars Land), I did a little digging and came up with this article from disZine posted January 19, 2017. Guess were not much behind these hot news items. That could be my new tag line… “not too much behind the times”. Sweet.