An early morning must stop for any Springfield visit is Mel-O-Cream Donuts.
On a recent trip to Springfield, I found some of the favorite local food places of my past are still making their way in this world of autonomous vehicles and drone deliveries. It did my heart good, but not my cholesterol level, to see my favorite donut shop still in operation feeding the hungry masses good old fashion flour and sugar. Breakfast of Champion donut eaters.
Mel-O-Cream Donuts has been in Springfield as long as I remember. Though there have been up and comer donut makers in town, these donuts are still my favorites. The jelly filled with white icing is my preferred donut above all others.
Just the other day my lunch time dining partner Jim was telling me that donuts are healthier than bagels; and that jelly filled donuts are healthier than the cake donut. Obviously my instincts are on target since I started eating the healthy jelly filled donut from a young age. Not sure where my well informed friend got his information, but if it was from the internet I can only assume it to be true.
*Back in the Day Alert*
I recall three Mel-O-Cream donut locations we visited back in the day. One on North Grand; another in a parking garage at 4th and Adams; and the Laurel Street location.
Mom would sometimes punish herself and take me shopping with her at Myers Brothers downtown. Our regular parking location for such a jaunt was the 4th and Adams Parking Garage. At the first floor, before we would exit the stairs to the sidewalk was a small coffee shop that I believe was a Mel-O-Cream donut shop. I could be wrong since I was not very old at the time and was focused mainly on the donuts. The place looked huge from my young vantage point, but when I returned at the end of the 90’s it was Tiny’s Chili and it was very small place, even for a guy named Tiny.

Before you visit the Lincoln sites and before your family has awakened, and before you have considered a healthy breakfast, take that 15 minute drive to the Laurel Street location (there is counter service), sit down and have a donut (I recommend the jelly filled) and a coffee or milk (your preference). The shop opens at 7am, so maybe its not that early, but hey, your family is on vacation so its early for vacationers and they will still be asleep. After a couple donuts and a coffee or milk, get a dozen boxed for your trip back to the family. You will be the hero. Then have another from the box.
Happy Valentines Day!