Croissant Doughnut…. Croughnut?… Cronut? at Epcot
There’s a place in Epcot that at one time Ray Kroc would have been proud to see… a hybrid McDonald’s selling smakerals of their signature food to theme park goers. Alas, it is no more (when it went to the big fryer in the sky I do not know). In its place there is a simple menu with only one item that I really care about. That would be the Croissant Doughnut… Croughnut. I like this spelling.

This trip was designed specifically for a Croughnut. If you visit Epcot for no other reason but a Croughnut, then it will have been worth it. Whoa… slow down… Dougie. That may not quite be true if you are vacationing on a non-hopper ticket. Then you will definitely want to see more than a Croughnut… maybe two Croughnuts… no… better see some of the other attractions.
My point is this should be a stop for the family.
But, beware. There are some shady characters who may want to sample your Croughnut. I heeded the advice of the sign and didn’t feed the wildlife. Not because of my concern that they will get aggressive, but because I wanted the Croughnut all to myself. From the picture below it appears that we are beyond wildlife acclimation to the Croughnut diet. It seems he knows what it’s all about.

The Croissant Doughnut is currently going for $4.99.
Other than the Croughnut and a water, that is the extent of my culinary experience at this location. I haven’t paid attention to the other featured items, but notice in this picture… I’m a bit taken aback by the Godiva Hot Cocoa with Godiva Liqueur at $9.50. After a bit of research I found that the Godiva Liqueur is 15% alc/vol. It is a bit more than just a hot cocoa. That may go well with the Croughnut in wintertime and should provide your daily sugar intake requirements.

The Refreshment Port is located just as you enter World Showcase and make the right hand turn towards Canada. It will be to your right. To your left is a lake. Bring our Canadian friends a Croughnut, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind some fried dough, cinnamon and sugar… word on the street is that Canadians enjoy a good doughnut or a Timbit.

Educational Note for Ray Kroc – In 1917 Ray lied about his age and joined the Red Cross to be an ambulance driver. Thought it an interesting similarity to another gentleman from that era.
Shout-Out Note to the Johnson Family for introducing us to the tasty Croughnut.