The greatest Christmas light display on the face of planet earth was discontinued this year and we all are a bit wistful because of its absence. Because of the technological wonders of mobile devices we don’t have to rely just on our memory to relive the glory of the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights, but we can purview our thousands of digital photos to bring the moment back to clarity. Before the 2016 review here is a moment from 2013, the first time we visited the display.

Typically I don’t care to have the Cinderella’s Castle covered in anything, it alone is a beautiful building which does a fine job projecting the image of the Happiest Place on Earth. When we visited during the birthday celebration, it was transformed into a cake. Initially I thought it was pretty creative, and it was, but I really missed the castle. But in the case of the lights at Christmas, they complement the castle perfectly. This is one of my favorite times to see it all aglow.
The Magic Kingdom is festive from the entrance to the castle. Main Street USA is well decorated and always an enjoyable stroll, but the decorations tend to drop off as you enter the other lands.
On the second floor of the Main Street Railroad Station, two decorated trees frame the ticket window. Simply done by today’s standards, but a perfect fit for the era portrayed. This is a good place to get a birds eye view of Main Street. It was fairly crowded, but we weren’t elbowing our fellow travelers trying to get a good picture. There was room for everyone except you had to be quick on your feet if you wanted a bench seat. The benches are valued real estate.
My wife and I enjoy viewing the Christmas decorations at the resorts more than the parks. One of our favorites is the Port Orleans French Quarter Resort. You may say “Hey, that’s not a Deluxe Resort!” and you would be correct, but first it is a sentimental favorite because we spent our vacations here when our kids were youngsters. Second, we like the look of the French Quarter Ironwork and the vibrant colors used in the decorations. We spent many vacations at the French Quarter Resort until we joined the Disney Vacation Club and the kids fell in love with the Boardwalk swimming pool and waterslide.

On display in the lobby are gingerbread houses created by the employees. These are judged, though I am not sure by who, and ribbons are awarded. These pictures are of the top two entrants at Port Orleans French Quarter. It is fun to look at and amazing to see the creative people who work within the resort.

Last year the Boardwalk Resort had a large gingerbread house where they sold treats. This year there was no house (maybe the gingerbread house bubble burst), but a table was set up for kids to do some holiday crafts. We watched for a bit, but didn’t take any pictures of the festivities. The kids were having a great time. A table was decorating cookies and one young boy placed about a half pound of various color icing on his cookie. By far my favorite cookie, not for creativity, but for icing quantity.
Lots of poinsettias used in the flowerbeds make for a colorful contrast with the greenery and the large tree provides a focal point on the Boardwalks Village Green.
The lobby of the Boardwalk Resort is beautiful without the decorations. The oversize garland fits superbly with the decor. This is a shot along the back wall of the lobby before exiting onto the veranda. (Can you call it a porch at a deluxe resort?)
Just outside the back door of the Boardwalk Resort Lobby, the veranda overlooks the Boardwalk’s Village Green, these stairs take guests to the Boardwalk. More large and in charge garland on display along the stair railing.
Garland along the stair railing lit up for the evening. I wanted to see the contrast of the daylight and evening decoration. Of course with the benefit of the twinkling lights it always seems more magical at night, but the daytime decorations hold their own.
When you visit Disney Springs and drive by the full Lime Garage and drive by the full Orange Garage, the surface lot, across the Sassagoula River from Sarasota Springs Resort usually has a place to park. At the entrance from the surface lot stood this display. I like the display, but looking at it now it kind of reminds me of Stargate SG1. Hopefully no one stepped through the portal.
Walking along the lakefront past Bongo’s Cuban Cafe stood this interesting tree. It is a unique tree and the lights in the blue globes set it off. I haven’t seen it before, but we didn’t make many trips to Disney during the holidays so it may only be new to me. Either way, its a fun tree.
That’s it for our random walk through the resorts and a couple of the parks. I know there is much more out there at Walt Disney World, but maybe next year after the Thanksgiving turkey has settled we can hit the parks early, burn some holiday calories and enjoy a chaser Turkey Leg (except at Animal Kingdom).