Was out for a walk today in Maitland, Florida maintaining an old habit from childhood, which is looking down at the ground while I walk. Probably not the best habit in an urban area full of cars. Me walking and looking at the ground and drivers driving and looking at their phone, not a great combination. Since I grew up in a more rural setting it wasn’t much of a problem and smartphones didn’t exist at that time (rotary was the tech of the day). Honestly, the habit is mostly a thing of the past, but today it got me involved with some sidewalks.
Leaving Jersey Mike’s after enjoying Jersey Shore’s Favorite prepared “Mike’s Way”‘ I was returning to work and noticed a section of sidewalk wasn’t the typical slab of concrete, but laid in pavers. All the pavers are square and of the typical variety being approximately 12 inches on each side. Pavers like you may see at the home improvement store. The idea and follow through took dedication from someone or some group to make the effort and place something different where a typical installation would suffice… to make the sidewalk unique.
And to “plus it” as Walt would say, accent blocks are sprinkled in to provide a bit of an artistic touch.

Location Details at the my Orlando Map
It’s the small touches that make places unique in which they have their own character and personality. It’s in the real world and a nice break from the monotony of the typical ribbons of sidewalk. A nice find along a busy street.
Sidewalks Can be Interesting! – Part 2 will look at some residential sidewalks in Augusta, Georgia.